Monday, July 21, 2008


Day 31: Alexander Calder made a face from wire. I saw it today in the National Art Museum in Washington DC. This is inspired souly on that project.

What's great about Calder's work is that when it's hung, shadows on the wall give you a different view/angle of his pieces. I'm going to get around to trying my hand at 3D wire faces eventually.


Anonymous said...

Ok. That's the idea. I like your drawings. Now let's bring some life to it. Let's give them something to say. There are plenty of things to say, like what about the trip to Europe by the Obamination... hello my name is 50 50 ( 50% white, 47% Arab and 3% times 100 full of bs, and I have been a senator for 142 days, now I think that I want to be president and maybe I want to be God. Worship me I am the Obamination of change, dreams and hope. Yours Truly, King Solomon