Saturday, August 2, 2008


Day 44: Here's a curveball for you. I don't personally know exactly what it meant, so here it is, for what it's worth. I can tell you I really like the Easter Island statues, and it's inspired some work before. I've added the red because it compliments the black so very perfectly.


Geocentric said...

Curve ball is right. I share your sentiments about black, white, and red. Also, I don't think I've seen the cross-hatching technique in your work before. Hatching, yes, cross-hatching, I don't think so. That plus the tree gives it a somewhat gothic feel. So is that his brain or his hair?

Anonymous said...

I would entitle it, "I'm thinking about bloody trees." - Dad

Mrs. Clark said...

Very well done! But would you please spell "forty" correctly?
